I began to learn this lesson when Pink 1 got married and moved more than 1200 miles away….but I can call her anytime and look forward to a visit one day.

But my experience doesn’t even begin to touch what my dear friend is facing as she mourns the sudden loss of her firstborn son.  Matt, 16 years old, was healthy, blessed with friends and a new job, and 3 brothers and 3 sisters that all adored him. His attentive and loving parents had raised him in the love and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ.  One moment he was there…then he was gone, before they could even say good-bye.


Can we ever hug our children enough? or say “I love you”? or sit up late and listen to what is pressing on their young heart?  For sure we as mothers must strive to enjoy each moment.  Never let sour words be your last.  Be thankful for each day, each smile, each hug, each phone call, each inside joke, and each opportunity to sit and hold your children, no matter how old.

Excuse me, I need to go hug a few kids…